Veggie Packed Minestrone

Veggie Packed Minestrone

It’s been a hot minute since I blogged, let alone shared a recipe, and I’m so happy to be back! This recipe has been rolling around in my head, and the notes app on my phone for a long time. While I’ve been cooking this whole time since I last shared...
How breathing deeply can revive your health

How breathing deeply can revive your health

Take a moment to notice – How are you breathing? Are you breathing in calmly and deeply, or is it quick, short breaths? The simply act of breathing can revive your energy and pump healthy, oxygenated blood all throughout your body to where it’s needed! In...
How are you Fueling your Fire?

How are you Fueling your Fire?

Do you think about food as fuel for your body, or something to just takes those hunger pangs away? Food is incredibly powerful! Depending on the foods you choose to eat, you can either be giving yourself fuel to sustain your energy and nourish your body, or it can be...